Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, Blog...I am still tired.

I have been blogging AJ's life and our lives with him for one year (and a day).  It has been fun playing the videos again and looking at how much he's grown.  It doesn't seem possible that he has been around that long already.  It has been a strange adjustment, I must say.  Now that he is a champion napper and a "so big" toddler, I may have to change the blog's name!

I would like to invite all 3 of AJ's fans to join us at Volkening Lake on Schaumburg Rd on May 16, 2009 at 10:00 am for the Post Partum Depression Awareness Walk.  Mike will be out of town, but AJ and I will be there with our walking shoes on.  

I also started another blog for my students.  I am teaching them internet responsibility and all that...stop by and read if you would like to see what I do when I am not here.  Telling you what I am doing.  And what AJ is doing.  Click here.

I went to the library the other day and was thrilled to see that one of my fave authors wrote something new...well, not new but it has been so long since I read something for me that I am out of touch.  So I checked it out and it is almost 3 feet thick.  I only have it for two weeks, so I better go get to reading it.  I think I might start a new blog about how there are not enough hours in the day...

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