Sunday, July 19, 2009

and Lindsay Sidney Greenbush

While we were at Randall Oaks last weekend, AJ took off down the big hill running with abandon like only little kids can. The clover was very interesting and the space was so big, he couldn't help himself.

As he was running around, it reminded me of the Little House on the Prairie title song when Carrie Ingalls is running down the hill. He didn't trip and fall on his face, though.


Mrs. Choudhary said...

LOL! That's so true! Go AJ!!

Alicia Adams said...

Asher totally would've busted onto his face...

HoopDee and DJ Vanilla Nice said...

Gorgeous shots! I love knowing that the giant field had a little guy running in it with a waddly diaper butt to boot! Way too cute.

Julie said...

Darn...I thought I was going to see a picture of you and Lindsay Sidney. I always see those "whatever happened to" shows, but they never say whatever happened to them. I'm guessing they fared better than the Olsen twins :P. Well if I can't see them, I loved the pics and the reference to my favorite childhood show.