Saturday, October 17, 2009


AJ does not know the ABCs. He has never mimicked much and he doesn't talk on his own yet, really. But we talk about letters and look at letters and he plays with his alphabet set and we sing sing sing.

So the other day in the tub we drew some letters and I asked him, "What letter is this, my smart boy?" and he replied, "A!" Yup. It was an A. This little conversation went on to include correct guesses of the letters B, O, R and Y.

Tonight he showed Lola and Lolo how he can tell the difference by picking out the A and the O on Lolo's sweatshirt.

He is so smart. Who needs to talk?


Julie said...

Einstein was 4 when he began talking, you have a genius in the making!

Mrs. Choudhary said...

I agree with Julie!!!