Friday, April 2, 2010


We have been really busy this Spring Break. I am behind in my postin'!

Monday: AJ and I went to our "BB" group at the hospital and played and visited with the moms and, toddlers we don't get to see except on days off. Then AJ hung out with Dad while Mama and Gramma Betty went shopping. We found Easter outfits for AJ and me. We also bought a little Elmo Potty so AJ can get used to that.

Tuesday: We had a TERRIBLE trip the Aquarium. No more will be said about that.

Wednesday: AJ and I traveled to Romeoville to visit Anthony and Ms. Katie. We saw a big plane, a bobo, and went for a wagon ride.

Thursday: Steph, Macy and Ella played with us at their house and we went to the park, played with toys and chatted. But I forgot the camera. L

Friday: Re-Pete Mangione (born 3-30) needed a visit, so we headed over there to see him. Jillian, Jayne and Pete seemed happy, although REALLY REALLY TIRED. Diane was there, too and it’s always fun seeing her. Then we dyed eggs and tried to go to the park to play, but since AJ realized he can see the ground through the slats in the playground equipment, he refuses to go on it and screams until we take him home, so that was a wasted trip, but I think we all got our vitamin D for the day since the sun was bright. On the way home, we saw a dad and son flying a kite, so AJ stopped crying.

1 comment:

Jessica said...

really curious about the aquarium....