Saturday, September 4, 2010

He Was All Over

We were very busy this morning. AJ and Mike had dentist appointments this morning. He wore his new shoes and looked just like Daddy. AJ held it together until it was time to lay in the chair. Then he let loose with both barrels. But after a trip to the treasure chest, he high- fived Dr. Kid and was all smiles. He knew that after the dentist was over, he was going to Lola and Lolo's house.

He played with trains, watched Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and then ate a Filipino Food Feast. Not good for mama's diet, but so tasty! He was fighting a nap on the couch at Lola's. He told me he did not want a nap. But on the way home the pull of sleep was just too much for him. He asked for "Blankie cover" and this is what happened: (click the link to watch the sweetest boy in the world.)


Jessica said...

that is tooooooo cute, especially with the music. why did you not put it directly onto your blog like your other videos? i am way overdue for the dentist, by the way. thanks for the reminder. maybe aj wants to go instead of me?

Liz said...

Jess: I have been having trouble fitting the YouTube box in the blog layout- and the video box that blogger has is to small to see his too cute face. I thought you'd like the music!