Saturday, April 17, 2010

Operation Fat Girl Slim

Week one is done. I lost 5.5 pounds.

I have learned many things:

  • I have a love/hate relationship with Jillian Michaels.
  • I may like beans more than I thought.
  • It is hard to drink 64 ounces of water a day when you're a teacher.
  • I'm old and slow.
I learned that last little gem on Thursday when I decided to let the PE teachers work me out at the Olympics Track and Field Games during after school programs. Here's how it all unfolded. I went out to warm up and the first thing they had me and the 15 kids do was high knee running things down the field and back. Strike one. I did it, but not well. Then I had to do those silly football side slides all the way down and back and then a series of sprints. As I felt my heart stretching to accommodate all the blood my fat body needed to live, and my lungs pull to help my brain stay functioning, I also became aware of the stiffness and pain developing in my knee caps.

But I kept going.

I was assigned to be a part of the Canada team with A and B. A is looking at me sideways thinking, "Great. Old teacher on my team= no medals." B is just smilin'...he has not idea what is about to befall his team.

I had to run a relay. We have no track, so we ran it on the field. The bumpy, full of holes and possible-dog-doo-land-mine-infested field. Anyway, one lap was probably where I should have called it quits, but I had to do 3 laps. Mexico lapped up and A just gave up and walked, but the teachers made me do ANOTHER lap and we came in dead last. I tried to lay down under the tree but they made me get up.

After that, we had to do hurdles. Now I believe that this might have been my undoing. The positives were that I did not knock any over. They were about 12 inches off of the ground, but it was still hard. And I finished the whole thing. The negatives were that the rest of the Canadian team was mad at me. A says, "We didn't win ANYTHING, you know!" Sorry little dude. And the pain in my knees had turned into a stiff and frozen PAIN!!!!!!!! and I had to limp to the car to go pick up AJ. After fighting off the urge to vomit on the way home, I attempted to get out of the car at home. Attempted. I had to sort of flop out with the help of gravity.

AJ thought this was great fun and raced up the steps without me. I pulled myself up by the banister and spent the rest of the evening with ice packs on. I feel much better today, though. But not good enough to go back to the Olympics. Canada wouldn't let me back in, anyway.


Jamie said...

Congratulations! So far I've lost 4lbs in 4 weeks without much exercise. Hooray!
You've seem to really be on track, I'm happy for you! Keep throwing that weight OUT.

Stephanie said...

You are an inspiration! Isn't Canada suppose to be kinda like Switzerland? I think A needs to be deported.