Tuesday, April 6, 2010

That's It.

I have reached it. That limit that is reached when you are out of breath, out of patience for what doesn't fit, what doesn't look right, and out of money to keep supersizing clothes because many meals were supersized. I used to look like this.

Now I don't. And I am over it. For those of you who have never experienced a weight problem, it is not something that I can explain to you or just fix. You don't get it. Don't try to. And by "weight problem", I mean any unhealthy weight at either extreme.

I'm putting it out there, people. Here I am...I mean was. Hopefully in the coming weeks/months/years there will be less of me. Like there was before. When I could breathe.


Cara said...

Liz, you are a beautiful person--inside and out.

Jamie said...

You WILL throw that weight away!

Unknown said...

I hear you and problem it is...so tired of people starting their many words of advice with Just...But as Jeff Garlin jokes it is an addiction and if he is put in a room with alcohol, heroin and a sheet cake, he goes cake everytime! I, myself enjoy the salty chips!

Julie said...

You'll do it Liz! I'm cheering you on!!

Kate said...

I'm so proud of your dedication to this. You inspire me!