Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Happy Birthday, Blog...I am still tired.

I have been blogging AJ's life and our lives with him for one year (and a day).  It has been fun playing the videos again and looking at how much he's grown.  It doesn't seem possible that he has been around that long already.  It has been a strange adjustment, I must say.  Now that he is a champion napper and a "so big" toddler, I may have to change the blog's name!

I would like to invite all 3 of AJ's fans to join us at Volkening Lake on Schaumburg Rd on May 16, 2009 at 10:00 am for the Post Partum Depression Awareness Walk.  Mike will be out of town, but AJ and I will be there with our walking shoes on.  

I also started another blog for my students.  I am teaching them internet responsibility and all that...stop by and read if you would like to see what I do when I am not here.  Telling you what I am doing.  And what AJ is doing.  Click here.

I went to the library the other day and was thrilled to see that one of my fave authors wrote something new...well, not new but it has been so long since I read something for me that I am out of touch.  So I checked it out and it is almost 3 feet thick.  I only have it for two weeks, so I better go get to reading it.  I think I might start a new blog about how there are not enough hours in the day...

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Words Words Words Part II

This is a representation of this blog recalling Aj's 16 months of life so far. This computer site,, took all the words I have typed in this blog and made this word "cloud" for me. Pretty neat, huh? Click it to see a larger version.

Wordle: AJ 16 months take 2

Sunday, April 12, 2009

12 on the 12th

Happy Easter! Here is our day in 12 pictures, in no particular order.
1. AJ was intrigued by Gramma Betty's Bunny shirt.

2. He loved putting eggs in Lola's Basket.

3. It took him awhile, but he mastered the egg hunt.

4. His Grandparents love him!

5. After the Egg Hunt...

6. After Dinner...

7. Before Dinner...

8. Us.

9. Tiny shoes.

10. No Touching!

11. Before the Egg Hunt...Star Wars eggs for Mike.

12. The Easter Bunny brought AJ a book.

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Day Out and About

AJ has been sick again, big surprise. He is feeling better, so we went out today to the Kohl Children's Museum and to the park for a little fresh air. Here are some shots and video of the little man and his big papa playing around, and of AJ's little sick day. I am glad he's all better...

There were kites flying in the park. We stopped to watch.
There was a big fish kite. There had to have been about 25 in all.

AJ playing at the museum.

Blowing stuff up.

Hearing a story.

Playing on the puter in the vet's office at the museum.

He got to wear a vet's lab coat and take care of a little dog.

Video of his sickies and his little nest.

Poor audio of the kites at the park. I don't even think you can see them. But seeing Mr. Cool at the end is worth it.