Monday, May 23, 2011

Memoir 2006

Reflecting on my life in Writer's Workshop has been interesting, difficult, enlightening, sad, happy, and all those other descriptive words teachers use to show writers there are other ways to say things. But I heard bad news this morning that made me remember a very dark and lonely time in my married life. Although the bad thing happened inside of me, both Mike and I felt a profound loss and we both felt grief. I remember that grief and live it each time I hear that another friend has joined that terrible group-

It is true that time heals. With each passing year and with each new memory that covers the old ones we grow and change. The layers build up over that time like sand. But it only takes some small news to make the sands shift and I remember all over again. And it still hurts.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

I read this a while ago but I wasn't signed in and therefore didn't comment.

Thank you for sharing and getting so personal. I appreciate the openness and beautiful photos, and pray for healing.