Monday, October 10, 2011

Fall Fun in the Summer Weather

It has been nice and warm here for the last 10 days or so. Unseasonably warm, I think. upper 70's and even an 80 degree day snuck in there. We have been hanging out in the leaves while they are nice and dry and crunchy instead of being wet and slimy and rotting with the occasional slug hiding in there. AJ really likes the little neighbor girl. He peeped in the window today to see if she was in there. He likes her as much as he likes Lena.

There is a squirrel eating my pumpkins. He is a bold one. He came right up to the kids looking for snacks. He teased them and then ran under the bush. A few minutes later, he poked his head out and approached them again. Wild animals cannot be trusted.

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Hee hee... I see AJ giving her those SLY LOOKS.