Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Finally Naptime

After 7 months, AJ finally put himself to sleep without crying. He was just playing hard like always in his crib and he conked out. I took this pic, but I was afraid the flash would wake him, so it is blurry.
What am I doing while he is napping, you ask? RELAXING! I have enjoyed a cup or 2 of coffee, watched mindless TV, talked to Mike, eaten a granola bar, made a short shopping list, and started a crossword puzzle. I, however; have NOT done the laundry, showered, or cleaned up the house. And I don't care.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Can you see me? Jillian is napping now, and I am sitting in my pajamas reading the internet. There are wet towels on the floor of the kitchen and extraneous groceries from yesterday that need to be put away... but... this is ME time! You deserve some ME time! Have another cup of coffee.