Sunday, July 13, 2008


Grandmothers are amazing people. Grandfathers are too, of course. But a Grandmother will go to special lengths to make a grandshild comfortable and take care of their own child, too.

Lola came over on Saturday and witnessed the non-napper that AJ is. After 3 unsuccessful attempts at laying him in his bed for sleep (something that he will have to do in a few short weeks at daycare), I gave up and handed him over to Lola. She got him to finally doze off and held him in the rocker for his nap. Not the best end result for me, but AJ got some sleep which is what I really wanted.

So today after church, AJ would not let sleep overtake him like it wanted to. Grandma Betty was the available holder today and she rode the train to sleepytown with AJ on the porch in the rocker. The breeze and the sounds of Grandpa's many fountains must have lulled them to slumber...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Grandmas are incredible, aren't they? Don't know what I'd do without them!!! So glad you have such great help while Mike is away! Sorry I missed you at church on Sunday!
