Thursday, February 11, 2010

Kids Say the Funniest Things...

AJ has really been using words and started to talk much more in the last few weeks/months. He hasn't said much-he knows a lot and can identify lots of things, but isn't much of a talker, so this is big. Here's a list of his current favorite things and funny words or statements. Including his longest sentence EVER- "Daddy doesn't take a bath. Daddy takes a shower."

"Mama, no clothes. Jams all day."
"Where's that monkey?"
"No! CHOCIT milk!"

My favorite interaction was the other day while he was running around the house. Me: "Slow down!" AJ: "Adagio!"

AJ's Faves:
juice (he doesn't know it is really apple favored water after I mix it up!)
Mac and cheese
chocolate milk
french fries
apple sauce
watching planes fly over us on the way home from Ms. Melba's
Jeopardy, with Wheel of Fortune being a close second
Little Einsteins or "Stein-ines"
Choo choos
salty snacks
being tickled
his UGGS
Dad and the shredder in the office
bath time
Fergie (I know, right?)
He knows all letters, numbers to 10, shapes, and sea creatures. He knows other animals, too, but can't really pronounce them. My favorite is elephant which he calls a "phantant".

When he is old and I look back at this list, I hope remember how much he has made me laugh this year!


Jessica said...

Adagio!! I love it!!!

Jamie said...

UGG's?! That's awesome!

Best list of favorites ever. And I hope to see more AJ quotations in the future-- pleeeeeeease!