Saturday, March 27, 2010

At Peace

If you have had the pleasure of reading anything by Eva Markvoort, you know she has raised awareness about CF. I found her by accident and have enjoyed reading her blog and listening to music she posts, and reading her poetry. There was a movie made about her. She blogs. She battles. She went through a double lung transplant a few years ago and lives life to the fullest.

She went into chronic rejection and has lived in the Vancouver General Hospital for over 8 weeks.

Lauren Aggen is my mother's goddaughter. She received a heart when she was a week old. She is attending college, (YES, COLLEGE!) in New York and is making us all very proud.

If you have not signed the Donor Registry, do it soon. For people like Eva and Lauren.

I learned that Eva passed away this morning waiting for her second set of lungs, and I am sad.

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