Saturday, January 1, 2011

Funny or Disturbing...

If you work with me, you will find this either funny or very disturbing. Indeed. Where are the Grammar Police when you need them? If I see this button around town, I will find it VERY difficult to keep my comments to myself. After all, I am my father's daughter.

(names are erased to protect the "innocent" but on the SP blog, there are no innocents so that is a joke)

Image taken from: This sad, pathetic excuse for Freedom of Speech

If you're interested: How to Use An Apostrophe

1 comment:

HoopDee and DJ Vanilla Nice said...

Oh, I love it! Funny, yes. Disturbing and upsetting, also, maybe even more so. The irony hurts, don't it! If we would all just watch ours behavingment, we'd be all right.