Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Year In Review 2010

A recap of a strange year- a year of change, growth, worry, joy, friends (old and new) and trips. Oh, and a whole lotta trains.

Sue's January Party with some of the best co workers on the PLANET! (and a spectacular vintage train collection)

In February I was in the pits about my health. Coach Katie charged me up!
March brought the first trip to the park and the first wagon ride of the season!

April brought a great Easter and day 1 of "Operation Fat Girl Slim"
In May, we spent lots of time exploring Volkening Farm.
In June, we got a visit forom Erin!
We also celebrated the start of the longest summer vacation EVER at the Choudhary SummerFest.
AJ learned to water the plants in July.
In August, AJ went to camp at Beth Tikvah Congregation. Although you cannot tell from this pic, he loved it!

Our travels in August took us to New York to visit Erin and Sara.
September brought AJ a back to school haircut and some fun in the sand.

We also spent another day at the Illinois Train Museum.

In October, AJ did not wear a costume while Hannah rocked it as Foofa on Halloween.

We had a lot of fun in November goofing around with Photobooth.
In December, Papa Rog put together his train in the basement. Hours later, AJ still wanted more.
On December 30, we celebrated Daddy's 38th Birthday! Yay Daddy!
I can't imagine where 2011 will take us and how much AJ will continue to grow and amaze us with his cuteness, humor and above average intelligence. I hope I can keep the weight off, continue to lead a healthy life and keep up with the little guy! I hope that Mike can quit smoking and find enjoyment at work. Big goals for a big year!

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