The weather has been pretty craptastic here in the land of AJ. We did have some nice days, but the rain has been falling along with the temperatures. As we were dyeing and glittering eggs today, we watched the lawn fill up with water and pretty soon we were looking at a real mess. I can't imagine that hiding the glitter eggs in Albandia Swamp will work out too well.
Not to worry. We were blessed with many nice days that I was too busy to blog about so now that I'm in need of nice warm sunny memories to boost my swampy mood- you too will benefit from a little April Recap.
AJ climbed a ladder for the first time EVER! This is big, people.

We did some fish sitting. No one died, although it was sketchy there for a while.

Museum and Science and Industry. One word: TRAINS!

I bought my Easter Dress. IT'S AN 8!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is bigger than AJ climbing the ladder.

We finally got to go play in the sand at the park, too. AJ has been asking to go for so long...

He was real excited to head over to the park and play. On the way we counted birds, houses, squirrels and other random items. AJ has been very talkative as of late. If you know AJ, you know that this is yet another piece of big news.
I have accepted the fact that I am a complete failure at potty training. I have tried everything and he is DEAD SET against even trying. I have read books, blogs, magazines, asked friends, watched other moms, asked other kids to talk to him about it, made Mike pee on Cheerios, and bought him cute stuff. He still gets very upset and scared at even the mention of going on the potty. The other day, however, he told me he wanted to wear his Thomas underwear. But he got real touchy when I suggested he not wear his diaper. So the compromise was to wear the Thomas underwear OVER the diaper. I did not get a picture of this and I am disappointed because as you can imagine, it had a high hilarity factor. Add that I bought the stupid underpants so long ago that they are now too small and he looked like he was wearing a red Speedo. Classic.