Saturday, June 29, 2013

That One Time My Car DIed On The Way Home From Church

My beloved 2003 Honda CR-V with 143,000 miles under her hood took her last ride on Sunday, June 2nd, 2013. 

I loved that car.  I drive an ungodly long distance to work, and that car made it fun.  Until last July when the radio broke.  And it was irritating to have to unlock the door manually.  I know, first world problem.  We made the tough decision to get a new (to us) pre-owned Honda instead of pour money into the old girl. 

After our vacation, we picked out a new "mama car" and took her home.  We are getting along famously, she and I. 
The Family with the old girl.
Retiring the 2003.
The 2012 seems have happy so far.  All the parts of her work, even the radio and the dash lights.  I'm spoiled.

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