Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I am SO GLAD I did not have to drive to work in this snow that is falling, and has been falling, all day. It is really pretty and not too cold. Just the right kind of day to invite a friend over and go "sledding". I say "sledding" with the quotes around it because a 2 yr old and an almost 2 yr old who have never played in the snow before are not real big into the fast, downhill, wind in your hair kind of sledding that you may be imagining. They are more into the tentative, shuffle your feet, fall down, whine, yell "Mama!" and "Oh wow!" forty times and then get concerned when your hand is cold but let someone TOUCH your mitten and you freak out kind of sledding.

Hannah was very interested. AJ was very mobile once he got his "snow legs". He fell off the sled. More than once. Then we went in and had hot chocolate. Our coats are hanging on my side view mirror in the garage- waiting for the next trip outside!

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