Friday, July 1, 2011

Farm Fun

Volkening Heritage Farm
Be warned: The Mayor of Crabbytown would not allow me to take any photos of him. So most of these have The Mayor's backside or The Mayor running away. Like this one:
Me: "Please stand by that sign!"
The Mayor: "NO!"

Me: "Please stand in this old house!"
The Mayor: "NO!"

Yesterday, he informed me that he wants to be called "Giant Rock". ? What can I say, he's 3. Anyway, this morning he found a giant rock.
Me: "I thought YOU were Giant Rock."
Giant Rock/AJ/The Mayor of Crabbytown: "I am. See?" and he puffed his cheeks.

Me: "Wow look at that..."
The Mayor: "NO! I not looking at that."
The Mayor: "I going to Mommy's car. I want lunch."

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