Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Yes, I Am That Kind of Mom

I am now the kind of mom that posts the successes her child has- no matter how personal or revealing. The good thing is that he is only 3 and he can't read and he doesn't hang out on the interloop and when- in 20 years- he tries to get a job, he will be using his full name, so no boss will be able to track this post down. He can deny he was ever filmed doing his


We will be back at it tomorrow. 6:30 am. Before camp starts. After that I blog about his



Jamie said...

I love that it's not only a video of his potty dance, but that you edited it, added music, and made a potty dance montage. Amazing.

P.S. I won't tell him about this if you won't.

Unknown said...

Ha! So funny and cute. He was so happy. Sure he is "trained"!

Rachel Cole said...

Awesome! I love love love love this! Way to go AJ!